Maybe I'll start a series of "Here's to...." series, but I'm not making promises since often when I make promises on this blog I fail to keep them and that looks bad. Besides I will probably be accused of stealing the idea from Travis Keller's "Peace to... " series.
When people think of great directors they often think of Spielsburg or Scorsese, but that is only because they forget about Capra. Frank Capra is the director of classic films like It's a Wonderful Life, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (Gary Cooper beats Adam Sandler any day) and many many others. He was born in 1897 he was an Italian-American. In his career he was nominated 6 times for an academy award.
He is probably my favorite director. He directed my favorite movie You Can't Take it With You. The reason I think Frank Capra is so great is because, as I discussed with a friend via texting tonight, his movies restore my faith in humanity. In many of his films you see people coming through for people. His movies take jabs at the rich and powerful and uplift the underdogs and down trodden. If you haven't had the chance to see one of his movies let me know and you are welcome to borrow one of the many that I own or even better yet we can watch them together (Very few people are interested in watching old movies). Frank Capra has inspired and challenged me better than a lot of sermons do on numerous occaisions and if I had to write who would I like to most meet and he hadn't died in 1991 I think I might pick him. I would like to apologize for the cheesiness of this next line, but it kind of sounds like something you might here in an old movie. Here's to Frank Capra!
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