Monday, February 2, 2009

An Apology

I would like to apologize for how much space there has been between posts on this blog for a while. I have probably lost all my readers so there is probably no one to read the apology, but just in case there is, I am sorry. Now for excuses. I guess I don't really have any excuses. I just haven't had a lot of deep thoughts lately. I have been distracted by things that are "less spiritual" and really haven't thought about things related to the Church or theology. This is probably bad since I am a pastoral ministry major, but I can't really help it. I will give you a quick idea about the things I've been thinking about and doing during January.

I played Gotcha twice and lost once
I preached my 3rd sermon in chapel (you can listen to it if you click the link on the previous post)
I've been playing a lot of rock band
I have really gotten into The Who
I've been thinking about girls quite a bit. (Don't ask questions.)
I was in an accident and lost my glasses and got new ones. (Everyone was fine)
Assassin's Creed has been played (not beaten yet)
Psychology has been passed (at least I assume so)
I have almost finished reading Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (the last time was freshman year of highschool I think)
A bunch of friends aren't coming back for the Spring
Lost started back up again

I have just not been interested in things I'm usually very interested in. Don't worry I am not an atheist or anything. Maybe things will change in the Spring. I am taking a class called Life and Teachings of Jesus, so maybe that will get me thinking about things and inspire some interesting posts. For my blogging friends I have been reading your blogs. I've enjoyed commenting on your thoughts more than coming up with my own.


Heath Countryman said...

I am still reading it, although I am pretty sure I am all you got left. haha

Mistake #1 is thinking that something has to be a deep thought to put it on your blog. You have read mine... most of the time it is non-deep stuff.

Now, who is teaching Life and Teachings? That was a cool class.

Daniel said...

I will miss you Dan.

Daniel Coutz said...

Dr. Rick Williamson I have him for Greek and for Life and Teaching.

Heath Countryman said...

Ah... well, he wasn't at the Naz yet back in the day...