Sunday, November 2, 2008

Movie Code of Ethics

Because I love movies and take my movie watching seriously and because it seems like a lot of people seem not to know the correct way to watch movies I feel it is neccesary to post a Movie Code of Ethics. This will not be an exaustive resource, but hopefully will help you not to make a fool of yourself or at least not infuriate me while watching a movie.

Universal Code

1. When watching a serious movie/ scene of a movie you do not laugh or make a joke.
2. Silence is usually a good thing while watching a movie. (there are many sub-rules to this rule ther are also exceptions to this rule)
3. If there is someone who has not seen the movie you do not reveal ANYTHING.
4. If there is someone who has not seen the movie you do not quote the lines as they are being said.
5. Actually it is very rarely a good thing to quote the lines as they are being said (it does not impress people)
6. It is usually better if you do not tell people things like "remember that, its important later" or "ooh this is a good part" Most likely the person will realize this without your commentary.
7. When you are at a theater it is not funny to laugh loudly in a mocking way when people laugh at a part you did not think was funny (this makes you a jerk)
8. It does not make you cool to throw stuff at people in front of you when you are at a theater (this also makes you a jerk)
9. When watching a musical it is sometimes permissable to sing along you need to judge your company. It also depends on the quality of your singing voice.

My personal code

1. I will not start a movie in the middle unless I have seen it.
2. I will not start a movie unless I can finish it.
3. I will not watch a series out of order even if I don't need to see the previous ones for it to make sense


Heath Countryman said...

Monty Pyton and The Princess Bride are clear exceptions to Rule 5. Major Payne is another possible exception. You just cannot watch those movies without quoting the lines.

Also, add these to your rule list:

10. When two guys who are friends go to the theater together and there is plenty of room, a 1-chair buffer is proper etiquette. (That way there are no fights over armrests, and no one makes assumptions about your "status.")

11. If the theater is nearly empty and you go to the movie alone, you do not need to sit close to a stranger... If I don't know you, this creeps me out. I can't concentrate on the story because I am wondering, "Why did this dude sit next to me when we are the only 2 dudes in a 350-seat theater?"

John D. said...

Also, you need to add the following rule:

Rule # Most important: No asking questions during a movie about the movie. "Is that his brother?" "Is she the murderer? Oooh, I bet she is!"

If the rule stated above is broken, then sarcastic remarks may be made, but are optional.

Daniel Coutz said...

Those are good additions to The Movie Code of Ethics. And I concede that Monty Python and Princess Bride are possible exceptions (as long as there is no one watching who has not seen the movie; that would clearly be unethical). Oh and John I especially like your rule I have to deal with that one a lot. I want to shout at them "JUST WATCH THE MOVIE AND YOU WILL FIND OUT!!!)

J.S. said...

we should start a movie club. following conversation and preceding music, i so enjoy watching good movies. this is good, dan.

Daniel Coutz said...

I would totally be up for a movie club. I am being 100% serious.

jenesis torralba said...

you forgot one.

"don't EVER make fun of someone - adult, child, male, female, whatever - for crying while watching a movie. this makes you 10 times more jerkish than doing the said things in rule number 7."

Daniel Coutz said...

Hmmm... That is a tough one. I cry at movies, but I have definitely teased others for crying also.

J.S. said...

you want to start the movie club during finals week? you could pick a movie after careful consideration and we could put out the word that we'll watch it during a certain time as a study break. does that sound like a possibility?

Anonymous said...

These are good rules, except I am sure I've broken a couple of them. I really like the one about not making fun of people crying. My family thinks it is very funny when I cry. They even call those tear jerker movies, "Bonnie Flicks" because I always cry. I like all the comments though. It has been fun to read.

Anonymous said...

Good rules. And I especially like your personal codes. I am the same way. Some don't understand though.

Claude said...

A bit late but please allow me to add one more rule:

If you bring your old mother at the theater, please don't be ashamed if she laughs very loud, or cries very much.

Don't say, "It's not that funny, Mom.." or "It's only fiction, Mom..."...and move to another seat pretending she's a perfect stranger and you've never seen that woman in your life...

Sent here via Heath Countryman. This is a fun post.

Daniel Coutz said...

Sonny it is definitely ture that people don't understand. I take my movie watching very seriously.

Claudia, I wouldn't pretend I didn't know you, but I still might tease you about it.