These are some pictures I took Sunday at my church with my mother's camera. When I walked into the sanctuary my stomach and heart sank. I was already aware that we would be singing patriotic songs as well as bringing in the flag during the playing of the National Anthem and we would be saying The Pledge of Allegiance. I dreaded this service. I refused to sing or put my hand on my heart or say the pledge. I wish I could say that I didn't stand or talked to my pastor and tell him that I could not participate. Unfortunatly I am too much of a coward to do that. I stood on the stage and by being silent I gave my approval. I was very ashamed of myself and I have repented of this sin of silence.
I wish I could accurately explain why I feel this idolatry and why I am not patriotic, but unfortunately I do a very poor job. Even if you feel it is healthy for a Christian to be patriotic can you really think that decorating a sanctuary with the American flag is appropriate. To put on a cross the symbol of our Lord's suffering and intense love should have red, white, and blue around it and little stars on it? In a place where we gather to give glory and honor to our God we instead praised our country with songs that on occasion did mention God, but only in passing and only in reference on how great he made America. How can we put little American flags on a communion table!? A place where we partake in communion not only with all saints present, past and future, we commune with our savior. As a person I admire greatly told me once, Christianity is a place of many symbols. Our scripture and our worship are centered around symbols. What impression does putting a flag beside a cross give? As another person I admire greatly said and I repeat now quite often the Church needs to unwrap the flag around the cross. They are not the same thing, the sacrifice Jesus did and the sacrifice people equate with the flag are very different. In my opinion the two should not coexist. I know many will lable me a radical and I am sure the couple of people from my church who read my blog will take great offense to this and if it was ever given to the board they would probably revoke my local pastor's lisence and demand that I leave their church. But to be honest I would not want to live life unless I got to live it radically.
Wow, Dan. Those are some pretty funny pictures in a way- I mean, is that a choir of flags?
I agree that the worship of America does not belong in the Church. I think it would be both proper and correct to honor those who died defending our country on the 4th and give attention to the attributes of sacrifice and bravery. However, the sort of Empire worship that takes place in many of our churches leaves a very poor taste in my mouth.
For what it is worth, I agree with you that patriotic images are out of place in the church. And I don't think your church would revoke your minister's license or demand you leave your church for disagreeing with the decision to use patriotic symbols in a worship service.
However, you may want to consider how posting your disagreements on a public blog rather than speaking with your pastor in private is completely unfair to both your pastor and church board. Perhaps they have not considered the issue from the same perspective you are seeing it from, and calling them on the table in this way will certainly not be a positive first step towards change.
As one who has experienced public airing of grievances from unhappy members, I have to say that very few things are as personally painful as a brother or sister in Christ dressing you down in public without first giving you the chance to explain.
Maybe your next step in this process of authentic Christianity would be to go to your pastor and appologize for sharp words where redemptive ones were needed.
I appreciate your comments Heath. This one in particular has challenged me a lot.
I've struggled with some of this as well, believe it or not. It's all about how you define patriotism.
If patriotism is making the flag an Idol and saying that America is superior to all other nations, then I am not patriotic. That is not what I mean when I say I love America.
But when I say I love America, I mean I love the people that make up America. Good and bad. These are my brothers and sisters, who live in the same place I do, and I thank God that he has blessed me with the land of opportunity America happens to be, as corrupt as congress, government in general, and the mindset of much of the society may be.
But this is my home. Just like MVNU. And while there are some things about MVNU that may not always be the greatest, and some rotten apples maybe, I still love it and am glad I am a part of it. just like I am glad I am a part of America.
And I'm not saying this in direct response to your blog, it just made me think about the meaning of patriotism. But I agree with you, I'm not a big fan of patriotic services either. They always seem to get just a little too "prideful" perhaps.
That is bloody terrifying. God bless England.
I think you think less of us than we are. I agree with the point of having a "choir" of flags.. I agree with you .. the Cross having beads on it.... I also have struggled some with the Cross decorated as it has been lately but I have been trying to get things straight in my finite mind on chatting or even sending a note to pastor( and doing it WITH my name on it). I agree the Cross is a symbol that needs much more respect than it gets many places. I think.. and dont take it wrong.. maybe (the large Cross that has been decorated so much at our church) needs to be taken out of the Sanctuary.. I think we get too used to it being there and like a road we travel daily we tend to not be as attentive as we should.
Now as far as patriotism, I am about as patriotic as can be. I DO think that songs as this stanza:
Our fathers' God, to Thee, Author of liberty,To Thee we sing:
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light;
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King.
are very approprate to be sang in any service. I think that we need to not be afraid to uphold the basis of what those who left England and started this country baised things on. They prayed to GOD and asked HIS guidance... basically having God in all their lives. I dont understand what the problem with being patriotic. I would never want to live in any other counrty... live under any other "rule".... YES I know that USA has lots of probems.. BUT to sit and complain, or sit back in suilence isnt the way to be. The more we sit back and not do anything..... the worse it will get...
AND as far as taking your local license HAD better NOT TRY!!
love ya kido....peg( cant sign in cause i cant remember un or pass age is getting to me!!)
Thanks Peggy for the comment I appreciate it a lot. I liked the emphasis on the "WITH my name on it" Did you know he was talking about me in that sermon? I was young, if I had it to do over again I wouldn't have taken it at all, but if I did I would have at least signed my name to the letter.
I don't know if I would want to take the cross out of the sanctuary. I find the cross very meaningful and I find that at least in my case the more exposure I have to it the more it has an influence on me.
I wish I could be more articulate on this issue. If you want an interesting (and actually quite easy)read that could articulate my views better than I can. I encourage you to take a look at it.
On the patriotic hymns I have a hard time singing praise about a nation (no matter how great it might be) in a place I came to worship God.
Oops I didn't even say what the book was called. The name of the book is called Jesus For President by Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw. I hope you'll check it out its not real long and I think you might enjoy even if you don't agree with all of it.
You might also want to read "The Myth of a Christian Nation" by Greg Boyd. It was inspired by a series of sermons Boyd preached in his church when this exact issue caused a huge division in his 4000 member congregation.
No, I didnt know who it was that gave him anything or sent anything... I do think it happens much more than we think...lots of ppl want to send things and complaine ect but I am not a coward to let my name be arent.. like you said you are in the learning stage and young... as long as you made it right between you and God it is your business... I dont think that you should give up and feel that you shouldnt send notes/letters/ ect re: of how things are done in the church. How else would we be making things better.. Yeah maybe that is how you think.. BUT like in this situation I have been kinda dragging my feet so to speak.. cause I dont want to "make waves"... in the same... IF we keep silent and things arent changed... we will, in my opinion.. be held accountable for NOT saying...After all think of when you get into a church... wont you be open for CORRECTIVE critism ...and you would want to know IF possibly you had done something not as you intended it to be?( just like I said take the Cross out...explained later) You have helped me make up my mind to follow through with a letter to Pastor... I know that sending a letter is kinda a cop out BUT for me to make my point.. and such.. I have to write and re-write things.. Like this post I think I have cut and re written parts 4-5X. But then I am getting to that old...ER age.. you know your parents age... hahahahaha.
Now as far as the Cross being taken out of the Sanctuary.. I was not meaning take it out totally even though I went back and read what I wrote says that... What I was trying to say.. take it out of the decorating of the Sanctuary... it is after all a cross.. the beauty of the cross was Jesus gave His life for us there.. that is how I want to remember it for. not for birds being placed on the Crown of thorns.. beads draped to match the color of the season.. for the "snow" (cotton resembling snow) in the winter... you get what I am meaning I hope...
you are a good kid.. (as far as goats are concerned hahahahha).. no really you are...
still love ya.... peg....
are these books available at the library? I have never been a book reader but , like you said they might be interesting read for me....
I'm not real sure if they are available at our library or not you might do a search; the library has a website. Also your welcome to borrow my copy of Jesus For President when Paul is finished with it. The book Heath mentioned would also be a good one to read I used for a paper I did in school. I haven't read it all, but it is on my long list of books to read.
I do agree with you on the decoration of the cross. I don't believe that the cross is meant to look pretty. The more plain and crude and closer to the reality of the original cross the more beautiful and meaningful it seems to me. Its supposed to be the old "rugged" cross.
For heaven's sake, don't send a letter.
Sit down and talk.
Community is not about who can shape the best argument with pen and paper.
Go to lunch, express your concerns, and start a real dialogue. A letter is a one-sided conversation, sort of like a blog post. Trust me when I say this, a letter is not a good method for expressing your concerns to your pastor. It is only going to hurt him and probably make him become defensive.
Why can't people just talk to each other anymore? Sure, it takes courage to handle conflict in this way. But the bible doesn't say that if we are upset with our brother, write him a letter. It says to go to him. If more people would stop in for a visit instead of sit down at a keyboard, I bet pastor's would last longer than 7 years in ministry. (According to Kansas City, 7 years is the average length of time for Nazarene pastors from the time they begin pastoring to the time they call it quits for good.)
Powerfully written, Dan. I hope your thoughts are continuing to be refined and more clearly, well, thought.
I hope that both you and I can continue to increase in our courage and ability to SPEAK. Love you bro.
Thanks Mike. I'm glad to see you return to the blogosphere. I don't know how well written it was and if I was going to retype it I would change a lot of the stuff because its needlessly inflammatory. I would like to hear your views on some of this stuff.
I have kind of sat back and watched things unfold with this particular blog. As you know, Daniel, we don't necessarily agree on all things regarding patriotism. I was, however, uncomfortable with the scene that I saw on July 6th. I feel that was a little overkill and I too did not like seeing the cross decorated as it was. I believe the women who decorated meant well.
I also agree with you, Heath, regarding writing letters. I tend to be one who writes. I feel I can formulate my thoughts better on paper and like Peggy I write and rewrite, however, I believe it is better to talk face to face. Unfortunately even though you may feel your thoughts are clear, the person reading the letter may misinterpret them and then there is miscommunication that can lead to hurt feelings.
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