Monday, April 14, 2008

Despair and Hope

I’ve come to a conclusion. Some of you will think it’s pretty profound. Humanity is evil and fallen and wicked. Please try to contain your gasps. Okay I know that’s not profound, but sometimes when we think of evil and humanity being fallen we think of places we are not in contact with. Sometimes we also seem to forget to what extent humanity has fallen. Luckily whenever we seem to forget that the world is completely and utterly evil someone is there to remind us. Here is how I was reminded this week.
A good friend and I were walking back to campus to watch August Rush. We were talking and joking and were looking forward to the movie that neither of us had seen. While we were walking a car slowed to a stop on our right side. A little girl in the backseat smiled and waved at my friend and I. This made us both smile and we both waved back. It is amazing how the simple kind gesture of being smiled at can make you feel. Or just being waved at. That moment of basking in a little girl’s innocence was ended abruptly when the man in the front passenger seat, who I can only assume to be the girl’s father, rolled down the window and shouted at us. “She’s fucking 10 you fucking perverts” Sorry for the curse words, but I wanted you to get the full effect of what he said. My smile quickly turned to despair. Is the world in such a state that when older males wave and smile at a little girl that someone can only assume that you are trying to seduce her? I do not blame the father. He obviously loved his daughter very much and was only responding to the evil that we have all been exposed to our whole lives. Is our view of men so distorted that our minds can only go here? Is there anything good or pure in the world anymore. Is there any hope left?
If it was not for Jesus there would be nothing, but despair. What would be the point? Suicide would seem sensible if it were not for the love and grace of Jesus. There would be no hope. Praise God for being our hope in this obviously hopeless world.


Ryan Schmitz said...

I agree with the first part of your post, its frustrating to have your sincerity misinterpreted because of a screwed up world.

I also wanted to share a thought regarding the last part There are a lot of things that have been substituted for Jesus:


and so on. Hope in any of these things is simple, fulfilling, motivating and even encouraged. But all of these hopes cause a loss of focus and faith. That leads us to the despair you talked about. A person focused on one or more of these false hopes will have a hard time recognizing despair until they realize the hopelessness of their pursuits. Good thoughts Dan

BonnieC said...

Daniel, It is very sad that this father felt suspicious of your friendliness. As you said, he probably did love her very much. Unfortunately with the events we hear about every day in the newspapers and news, etc. it has come to that. I tend to be overprotective with Julia too. Have a great day. Love.

Bennett said...

When me and my brother were younger we'd go trick or treating together. We had just moved to a new neighborhood a month or so before Halloween this one year so we didn't know what it was really like.

I remember we were always sure to be super polite--as we had been brought up--and we'd always say "thank you" and make sure we used the sidewalks instead of walking right through the people's yards.

Well at this one house in order to get to the sidewalk we had to walk down the driveway and take the sidewalk from the side of the house. As we were walking towards the sidewalk, the lady pops out the door and starts yelling and my brother and me, assuming we were going to go do something bad.

It stinks when people assume too much. (We're all guilty of it on various levels) But don't let dampen your super-friendly spirit Daniel. That's who you are, and if people misunderstand that, then they must not have spent enough time with you.

peg said...

Hey there Kid...
Keep your head up there.. I know that a innocent wave from an "older" (yeah you are older now and I for one am having trouble thinking that way sometimes!!) male... can make a parent think that way with all the news casts and reports ect. I have the same thing at the school with the younger kids... a hug or not...?? and when out in public when they are with parents and they yell across the store.. Miss peggy...... the parents act as IF where do you know my kid from.. Although never having the words used on me that you 2 had.. I know that gut wrentching.. what did I do feeling...
Hang in there God knows you heart and everything you have going on in your head... (not much at some times huh???(sorry just had to add that here haha))

Love ya kido!!

Joey Saint Wombat said...

Well, we all know what assuming did for that guy...

Life on the Edge said...

Wow, the world is in a sad state that such a nice gesture was seen as perverted. Don't let those kind of things tarnish your openess and friendliness. You're a good kid.

Hugs, Joey Saint Wombat's mom.

PS> Come down with him and see the new place sometime now that you're home from college!

Life on the Edge said...

Hey Daniel-san, I have a blog on MySpace too, completely different from this one. I'll add you as a friend. The latest blog is about something that is really affecting the kids' lives right now, and the other includes something that prankster Sean did while I was at a conference.

Emma King said...

Hi, so I don't know you personally, but I happened to stumble upon your blog and I''ve read several of your posts, and I'd just like to say it's very refreshing to have a young man like yourself clearly firm in his Christian beliefs even in such confusing times as these.
God bless,