Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Notes on Brueggemann

I've never read any of Dr. Brueggemann's books or heard him speak before, but I greatly enjoyed his lecture yesterday. He took up two pages in my notebook (the first person to do that in a while). Here are some note/quotes/questions I jotted down.

They killed Jesus because he out imagined them

Sanity- understanding God's sovereignty.

Human beings are the slowest species to welcome the Kingdom of God because we think we can organize the world on our own terms.

The Enigma of YHWH is preserved in Jesus ex. the four Gospels

That which we bear witness to is always beyond our grasp

Individualism- the great American heresy

Sinai and Acts Community congruent-both had plans to combat poverty

Sacrament vs. Technology?

God is vulnerable? ex. The cross, God is a sovereign that can be impinged upon

and my possibly my favorite: Our society doesn't need any more well-educated conformists


Tyler DeLong said...

don't forget my personal favorite...
//Militaristic Consumerism
preach it Breuggemann!

Daniel Coutz said...

I loved how unabashedly he spoke about things like that and about certain political regimes and ideas like healthcare, not caring who was in the crowd.