We had to pick a topic for Research Writing a couple of weeks ago. I foolishly picked the topic of monasticism. I mean it sounded really interesting when I decided to do my paper on that and I didn't think it would be too difficult to write on. More specifically my paper is supposed to be on the history of monasticism. I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed by this paper at the moment. I have to have one primary source (an interview) and I have to do an observation. How am I supposed to do an observation????? I looked on the internet and saw there actually are some monasteries not too far from Mansfield, but how would you even go about contacting a monastery? And if you contacted one how likely is it that they would let me come observe them? And even if they did how would I even mangage to make it there without a car? And if I found a ride how would I be able to manage to do all this before Sunday at midnight? I think I'm kind of screwed. I'm begging you guys for some ideas.
Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!
Visir our list for monastic subjects (RC, Orthododox, Anglican, etc), 370 members (bishops, priests, monks, nuns, hernits, laity) and ask any questions you wish -
and ask someone on the list that you interview them by email.
And look at FILES on our homepage above for MANY files on monasticism..
John (monk)
Talk to Dr. Sanders, he takes one of his classes to one of the monestaries in Mansfield every year. They have phones so you can call them and they have services every weekend that the public is invited to attend.
There is also a new form of monasticism starting in the cities. It looks way different from the old style, but has so much in common with them. Christianity today did a cover story on it a year or two ago (I think Shane Claiborne was on the cover of that issue.) Need any other help call me at 392 3197. I also have a car you can borrow if need be.
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