Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mission Trip Part 2: The Faithfullness of the Body of Christ in Paraguay

Me and my Brother in Christ Jose
First let me apologize for the gap between Part 1 and Part 2. When I wrote part one I clearly underestimated how overwhelming the first few days of class were going to be. I've been trying to memorize the Greek alphabet for the quiz I will be taking later today. But here is the long awaited part two of the series of posts on my mission trip. I can't guarantee when part 3 will be posted, but I will try to do some more posting this weekend. Oh and Michal if you read any of these and I have some facts off please let me know.

The thing I think moved me over and over was just being in the presence of my brothers and sisters in Christ down in Paraguay. I guess I had already been rediscovering the greatness of THE CHURCH, as you might have already known if you read my post on the Body of Christ. But to see my brothers and sisters, to worship with them, to work beside them, and to listen to their stories of how they are being faithful to their calling choked me up numerous times.

One man, who's son had already graduated from the school, told of how him and his wife left Brazil, sold their house and came to Paraguay to Mission Betania because they felt that was what God was calling them to do.

One woman who was at Antequerra, was a widow of a pastor who was ministering there. When he died she and her children continued to stay there and minister. Also Edgar a fishing boat captain helps carry out the ministry to this area. He drove our mission team to the different villages where we did VBS and a free clinic.

I wish I could remember more of the stories that I heard of how God had called these different people and how he had provided for them and the sacrifices they had made for the gospel of hope to be preached. The Church is not just located in the U.S. In fact I think the church is thriving more outside of the U.S.

A couple of my favorite parts of the trip were when I got to go to their church service on Sunday. For the most part I could not understand what they were saying. Every once in a while I would be able to catch a word or a phrase, but despite not being able to understand them or their music I feel the Holy Spirit as we worshiped together. I felt most moved when they as a congregation stretched out their arms toward us and prayed for us. I had several of them come up to me throughout my time there and say that they pray that God will complete his purpose in my life. I'm kind of rambling now, but I was continually astonished at the unity between the American Christians and the Christians there at Mission Betania. I am more and more believing that those who are followers of Christ are brothers and sisters despite anything that might be a division. I should be able to worship, fellowship, pray for, encourage, and work beside anyone who follows Christ, across any theological, national, denominational barrier.


Anonymous said...

Daniel, I agree with you totally how there should be unity among ALL God's people. I listen to the choir cantata for the ONE celebration of the COTN and the narration talks about unity. I think it is one of the better cantatas we've done. Considering most have been Easter or Christmas. At any rate, I love hearing about your trip and I pray daily for the villages & people in Paraguay. I pray daily that God will help the new christians grow deeper in their relationships with God. I am excited to hear more updates.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you are there and to hear stories of people my husband and I know personally. My husband and I and our daughter spent a year there in 2005 at Betania. Sometimes we miss it, and the friends we made.
God Bless you. email me when you post your third update. I'd love to read it.
